Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Stories of Lilith and Persephone

This article is not to offend those who believe in the Christian Bible but yet to educate those about the truth behind the stories of Lilith and Persephone.

We have all heard and know the story of the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, and how Eve was created with Adam’s rib. This is documented in the Christian Bible in Genesis 2:21-22:

And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

This states that Eve was created after Adam; however, a full chapter earlier, it documents a previous woman was created at the same time as Adam in Genesis 1:27:

So God created man in his own image, in the image God created he him; male and female created he them.

Here, we see that both man and woman were created equally. Therefore, Eve was not the first woman to be created by the Christian God.

Who is this mystery woman? What happened to her? And why do Christians do not know of her existence and only accept Eve as the first woman? As you read in Genesis 1:27, this woman has no name. She is later known as Lilith, due to language translation from Hebrew to English. The story of Lilith is simple. An elite group of Israelis around 600 AD described that Adam asked Lilith to submit unto him, but she refused. She knew that they were both created equally and she would not bow down to Adam’s will, nor did she expect him to submit unto her. Adam disagreed and Lilith left the Garden of Eden in disappointment. Being the lone human in Eden, Adam prayed to the Christian God that another woman be created. As a result, as you read in Genesis 2:21-22, the Christian God took one of Adam’s ribs and created Eve. Because both Adam asked for Eve and Eve was made from Adam, Eve had to submit to Adam, and she did.

The next story we are familiar with is when the Serpent, on the side of Lucifer, tempted Eve into eating fruit from the tree and later tempted Adam into eating it in Genesis 3:4-6:

And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

Therefore, punishing them and the future of mankind: men being hunters and laborers while women being nurturers and child-bearers. This is also when the two realized they were nude and bore children to populate the Earth. Because Lilith left Eden prior to all this, there is debate as to whether Lilith was subject to the same punishment. Many think no due to the fact that she did not commit the same crime as Adam and Eve; however, others believe she was guilty of not submitting unto Adam in the first place and must suffer the same consequences as Eve. Some even believe that after the Christian God exiled mankind and the Serpent from Eden, the Serpent found Lilith, whom he tempted to eat the fruit just as he did with Eve, which gave her the same consequences as Eve. Others are skeptical of this due to the fruit did not come from the same tree and the Serpent simply cast a spell on Lilith in spite of his previous attempt. Since this incident, Lilith has sided with the Serpent and why many of the images seen today of her are with a snake and sometimes with fruit. Many confuse the woman with Eve, but this is due to the popularity of the story of Adam and Eve. The Serpent was later named Samael, daemon of the Underworld. His name along with Lilith’s can be seen in the background on the symbol for Satanism, which is a downward-pointing five-pointed star enveloped in a double circle with a goat’s head inside the star. Most believe Lilith became a succubus, a woman of seduction and persuasion, possibly for Samael or Lucifer himself. This could be why she is forgotten as the first woman. According to the story told in the previous paragraphs, Lilith was the first, perfect woman and man rejected her as they were created equally. So she fled to explore the world, only to find the Serpent who has already cursed the future of mankind. The rest is up to debate: whether she stayed a perfect woman and watched over mankind alongside Lucifer all these years or she became a child-bearer like Eve and combined her flesh with the sons of Adam and Eve. There’s also the great possibility that both of these stories could be joined: Lilith and Lucifer have been watching over the future of Lilith’s bloodline. This only proposes one question… who is in Lilith’s bloodline?

To some of you, this whole story may seem a bit familiar if you studied Greek mythology. For those of you who are not familiar with the story of Persephone, she was the daughter of Demeter who was taken to the Underworld by Hades and made Queen, alongside Hades. Obviously, Demeter became very upset drying the Earth and making it full of hunger. Upon trying to retrieve Persephone, Hades tricked her into eating fruit, which it was said that whoever shall eat fruit in the Underworld shall remain there. As a compromise, Hades saw that only six seeds were eaten, letting her be reacquainted with Demeter for six months out of the year. This story was created around 1400 BC, 2000 years prior to when the Israelis conceived the story of Lilith.

There are many similarities between these two stories. Demeter is none other than Mother Nature and creator of Persephone. There are many Pagans who believe that the Creator was a Goddess instead of a God, or possibly both. In either case, we know Demeter was the mother of Persephone and the Christian God was the father of Lilith. Hades represents Lucifer, and possibly even all of his closest, earliest followers, such as Samael. On that note, Hades tricked Persephone into eating fruit just as the Serpent did to mankind, who both fell into temptation. Also, after much geographic research, it is found that the mentioned fruit in the Garden of Eden was actually pomegranate, not apple. This is the exact same fruit mentioned in the story of Persephone. It also has been said that once Persephone became Queen, she became a succubus, just as Lilith did. Upon research, one will find many more minor similarities between Persephone and Lilith. This can only lead to one question… are Persephone and Lilith essentially the same person?


RachelHope said...

Yes, I totally believe Persephone and Lilith are the same being. I also believe they are the same being at the Hindu Goddess Kali. I became aware of this in a deep meditation. My intuition is very strong about this.

Divine Darkness said...

they are the same,
Persephone, lilith, kali.

Unknown said...

In similar fashion the entities Lucifer, Prometheus and Quetzalcuatl also overlap.
As do Zeus and Yahweh.

Unknown said...
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vintrick said...

There's a few beings that go by the name "Lilith", which is kind of a generic female version of "Satan". In some cases Pluto/Hades's wife, Persephone, is known as his Lilith, she is normally depicted with red hair, freckles, skinny, bit of a tomboy type, earthly as well.
It is true that there is a lot of similarities between Persephone and Eve, infact I would suggest that Eve and Persephone are more closely connected than Persephone and Lilith.
Lilith, in the truest sense of the word Lilith - as in night-hag, night-howl, female-satan, is more closely connected to Calypso and Nyx. She is an "older generation" of souls of the Olympians/Adam, and is akin to a Fallen Titan, or black-fire demon.
The level of Evil of this Lilith, the true lilith, is as high as can be imagined, and those jewish stories talk about eating babies, abortions, child sacrifice - some argue molech from the bohemian grove is lilith, I'd tend to agree, but there's always many demons involved.
Lilith is made from Fire and does no submit or accept Adam as authority, similar to in the Quran it is mentioned that Iblis/satan refused to submit to Adam, as with all of the demons, they do not submit to Adam, Eve - not being a demon is willing to do so - just like all of the angels and all of the children of adam.
The true Lilith is the "Twin-flame" or twin-soul of Beelzebub - who is a fallen Might/Titan, same as Lilith. So this is yet another parallel between Hades/Pluto and Persephone, however Pluto/Hades is not the same being as Beelzebub, but they both have a "wife" or consort. Many demons/angels have wives and consorts and share symbolic similarities, Like red and blue oppositional dynamics that reflect each other.
There's plenty of traps and deceptions in the esoteric research, claiming that Persephone is Lilith is one of them, and yes you could explain it away by saying that there are many liliths, but then that is just destroying the word Lilith and reducing its meaning.

tl;dr, there's more than 1 being that is known as Lilith, similar to how Hermes is called Lucifer, and Beelzebub is called Lucifer, but Beelzebub is not Hermes.
The true lilith is bride of Beelzebub, they are both Fire-demons, and the true satan of Earth.
Persephone is a lovely red-haired-type skinny sleight and very sweet soul, does have dark-side or shadow side like evryone, but is nothing compared to the demons out there, persephone. Persephone shares more in common with Eve than anyone else.

Unknown said...

Persephone is a child who was used as a pawn by a weak king (Zeus)as payment to his brother for cleaning up his messes. Quite frankly I am shocked that Demeter didn't challenge him for rule over Olympus for what he did.

If anything Eris fits in with the classical description of Lilith. if one read any Hesiod, he described her as bathing in blood of slain men and babies during the Trojan war.She deserves the title of she Satan. Trust me on that one.

Unknown said...

Well, having done some research and found that the legendary apple in the Garden of Eden was most likely a pomegranate, my mind went immediately to Persephone and the six pomegranate seeds she ate that made her have to spend six months of the year underground as the Queen of Hades (which thus created the seasons of growing). And Adam and Eve being cast out from Paradise into Nod, the dreary plain East of Eden where they had to cultivate food and life for themselves, seems to echo similar elements of Persephone's story of a paradise lost. (Especially bearing in mind how important agriculture was 3000 years ago.)

Anonymous said...

If Persephone is the daughter of Zeus and Demeter, that means she is the daughter of the Christian God as well. That means Lilith is the daughter of the Christian God as well. Zeus is the same as the Christian God. God is Satan. Everything is one. Malkuth is the floor, (feet of our body) where Satan resides while God is at the crown (our head). Horus is born inside us through our mother and father Isis and Osiris who are twins and husband and wife. These stories are all mixed up stories that different cultures translated.It was all to create confusion to see who can figure out the truth by birthing spirit in themselves. God gives demons authority to test man. Demons are angels. Its all the same thing. In the end the truth is I am god and I am alone!

Cypher said...

I noticed you said "On that note, Hades tricked Persephone into eating fruit just as the Serpent did to mankind, who both fell into temptation."

Instead of saying the Hades tricked Persephone into eating fruit just as the serpent did to EVE, which would have made Eve the focus, and not Lilith, you used the term "mankind" instead. Yes, Adam was also affected, but it was due to Eve's advice directly, not the serpent, which could suggest that your interpretation of the comparison between Persephone and Lilith may be inaccurate.

Also, regarding The Bible that says "man and woman created he them", the literary style of the beginning chapters of Genesis seemed to speak as a summary in one chapter, then go into more detail in another. So although in a previous chapter it says man and woman were created, it doesn't mean Lilith was created 1st, it is only giving a summary, and discussing it later in detail concerning Eve.

However, I do believe Lilith plays a supernatural role concerning the serpent, and is in reference to perhaps a demonic force that influenced Eve's decision to eat, and persuade Adam, but I do not think Lilith was ever a woman or human, though mythology may attempt to paint her as such. So, I'm not saying Lilith and Persephone are not the same person, because I suspect they are for different reasons, but I am saying that Lilith being the 1st woman is not biblical, and that I don't believe Lilith was ever a human, and if you search for literature in other places here on the internet, you will find that there are some who say that Lucifer/Satan/the devil, is female, just as the baphomet demon has both a masculine nature with it's goat's head, and a feminine nature with bare breasts on it's chest, making Lilith, Persephone, Hades, either all the same person, satan, or all come from the same source, Satan's kingdom.

Ronny.J.A said...

It was Adam that gave Eve the fruit to wake her up to the fact that she was GOD. The story in the Bible are changed to create a false narrative, to prop up Yahweh and the Christ. JESUS is not the Christ and it was Barabbas that died, not the Christ.

This is a love story between the DEVIL and His DAUGHTER Persephone, who became His Wife as Adam and Eve.

It is about humanity breaking free from control and oppression and is a tool to advance the civilization to next level of evolution🧬.

The gods are beings that evolved, it is a matter of teaching humanity and the rest of the universe that the rule of law is fir the evil people and that the rest of the population can do what they want.

This was not believed by Zeus and Poseidon who both were archaic in their mindset. Yahweh is Zeus and Poseidon is the Christ. In D&D they would be Cahotic evil and lawful good murder hobos.

Salverda said...